President / CEO has a Bachelors Degree in International Economics and Finace. 20 years in metals, minerals and manufacturing. Consultant to numerous fortune 500 companies and believes in strong faith and working with a purpose. Considered by many as a dedicated family man. 1992 to present 20+ years with BFI-USA
International VP of Sales & Marketing is originally native to Johannesburg So. Africa and grew up in the Gold mine business. Travels to many countries reguraly and speaks numerous languages fluently. Over 25 years of experience in the corporate world, known for her stratigic vision and commitment to innovation. Advocates for women, is a true leader and has 10+ years with BFI~USA.
Business travel and is part-time with our group. (Oracle) Caleb is originally from South America, Brazil and grew up in the stone mining business and speaks English, Spanish, Portuguese. Travels to many countries with 30 years experience in mining, light commercial aviation and the ISO manufacturing business.
Business Development in the State of Florida and is a team leader thats well liked by his peers. Astute business person, travels reguraly and is always on the move. His ability to identify opportunities and drive sustainable growth is truly remarkable.Trusted businessman thats worked with the BFI-~USA team for 8+ years.
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